字体是定义在<font>板块的,一般包含在文件colors_fonts_patterns.conf中。 具体设置有:
light = fonts/modern/cmunbmr.otf
normal = fonts/modern/cmunbmr.otf
default = fonts/modern/cmunbmr.otf
semibold = fonts/modern/cmunbsr.otf
bold = fonts/modern/cmunbbx.otf
italic = fonts/modern/cmunbmo.otf
bolditalic = fonts/modern/cmunbxo.otf
italicbold = fonts/modern/cmunbxo.otf
使用的时候直接注明 light、normal 就可以了比如: label_font=bold
show_label = yes
label_with_tag = yes
label_font = light
label_radius = dims(ideogram,radius_outer) + 0.05r
label_center = yes
label_size = 48p
label_color = grey
label_parallel = yes
label_case = upper
label_format = eval(sprintf("chr%s",var(label)))
# 50 pixels outside the outer ideogram radius
label_radius = dims(ideogram,radius_outer) + 50p
# 5% of inner radius outside outer ideogram radius
label_radius = dims(ideogram,radius_outer) + 0.05r
# inside ideogram
label_radius = (dims(ideogram,radius_outer)+dims(ideogram,radius_inner))/2
# 100 pixels inside the ideogram radius
label_radius = dims(ideogram,radius_inner) - 100p
# 50 pixels inside the image radius
label_radius = dims(image,radius) - 50p
# show labels only for chromosomes 1-5
label_format = eval( var(chr) =~ /hs[1-5]$/ ? var(label) : "")
# hide label for chromosome hs10
label_format = eval( var(chr) eq "hs10" ? "" : var(label))
# replace the string ctg. in the label with empty string (i.e. remove the string)
label_format = eval( replace(var(label),"ctg.","") )
# use the chromosome name as the label, but replace "hs" with "human "
label_format = eval( replace(var(chr),"hs","human ") )
# include length in the label (divided by 1,000,000 and suffixed with "Mb")
label_format = eval( sprintf("%s %dMb",var(label),var(size)/1e6) )
可以使用var()函数的参数名称的完整列表,请使用var(?)。 当Circos解析它时,它将返回(并退出)具有值的参数列表。
# e.g. using
label_format = eval( sprintf("%s %dMb",var(label),var(?)/1e6) )
# will return
You asked for help in the expression [eval( sprintf("%s %dMb",1,var(?)/1e6) )].
In this expression the arguments marked with * are available for the var() function.
break HASH
chr * hs1
chr_with_tag * 1
chrlength * 249250622
covers ARRAY
display_idx * 0
end * 249250621
idx * 0
label * 1
length HASH
next HASH
param HASH
prev HASH
radius * 1350
radius_inner * 1275
radius_middle * 1312.5
radius_outer * 1350
reverse * 0
scale * 1
set Set::IntSpan
size * 249250622
start * 0
tag * hs1
thickness * 75