

hs1 1000 2000 0.5 点将被绘制在(1000,2000)的区间中间。


  • type=line
  • no glyphs - there are no glyph parameters - glyph and glyph_size do not apply.
  • stroke_thickness and stroke_color are replaced by thickness and color, since the line isn't really outlined
  • adjacent points whose distance is greater than max_gap are not joined by a line - this is useful to avoid drawing lines across large gaps (e.g. centromere) in data


condition  = var(value) < 0 || var(value) > 0.5
show       = no


<<include colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>

<<include ideogram.conf>>
<<include ticks.conf>>

<<include etc/image.conf>>

karyotype   = data/karyotype/karyotype.human.txt

chromosomes_units = 1000000
chromosomes       = hs1 # ;hs2;hs3
chromosomes_display_default = no


type      = line                            #定义绘图的类型
thickness = 2


max_gap = 1u                                #会被直线连接的两点之间的最大距离
file    = data/6/snp.density.250kb.txt
color   = vdgrey
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.5r
r1      = 0.8r

fill_color = vdgrey_a3

color     = vvlgreen
y0        = 0.006
color     = vvlred
y1        = 0.002

color     = lgrey_a2
thickness = 1
spacing   = 0.025r


condition    = var(value) > 0.006
color        = dgreen
fill_color   = dgreen_a1

condition    = var(value) < 0.002
color        = dred
fill_color   = dred_a1



# outside the circle, oriented out

max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.txt
color   = black
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 1.075r                       #通过r0和r1来改变朝向
r1      = 1.15r
thickness = 1

fill_color = black_a4

color     = lgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.006
color     = lred
thickness = 2
position  = 0.002


z       = 5
max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.1mb.txt
color   = red
fill_color = red_a4
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 1.075r
r1      = 1.15r

# same plot, but inside the circle, oriented in
max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.txt
color   = black
fill_color = black_a4
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.85r
r1      = 0.95r
thickness   = 1
orientation = in

color     = lgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.01
color     = vlgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.008
color     = vlgreen
thickness = 2
position  = 0.006
color     = red
thickness = 2
position  = 0.002


z       = 5
max_gap = 1u
file    = data/6/snp.density.1mb.txt
color   = red
fill_color = red_a4
min     = 0
max     = 0.015
r0      = 0.85r
r1      = 0.95r
orientation = in


<<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>

results matching ""

    No results matching ""