Highlights 定义格式


hs1 1298972 1300443
hs1 1311738 1324571
hs1 1397026 1421444
hs1 1437417 1459927


hs1 1298972 1300443 fill_color=blue
hs1 1311738 1324571 fill_color=red,r0=0.6r,r1=0.6r+50p
hs1 1397026 1421444 fill_color=green,r0=1.1r,r1=1.15r
hs1 1437417 1459927 fill_color=green,r0=1.1r,r1=1.15r
hs1 1540746 1555847 fill_color=yellow
hs1 1560962 1645635 fill_color=purple
hs1 1624179 1645623 fill_color=grey



  • 定义半径的时候r0表示起始,r1表示终止。使用相对半径和绝对半径都是可以的。当大于1r的时候,highlight将会伸出圈外。
  • Z表示层次,Z数值越大在画的时候越靠上层 下面例子同一组数据被画了3次。

z          = 0
fill_color = green

file       = data/3/genes.txt
r0         = 0.6r
r1         = 0.8r

file       = data/3/genes.txt
r0         = 0.7r
r1         = 0.75r
z          = 5

file       = data/3/genes.txt
r0         = 1.1r
r1         = 1.15r
fill_color = blue
stroke_color = dblue
stroke_thickness = 2



  • r0 - inner radius of highlight
  • r1 - outer radius of highlight
  • offset - an offset applied to both r0 and r1 (useful for overriding default r0,r1 values defined at lower precedence)
  • fill_color - color of the highlight slice
  • stroke_color - color of the highlight border, drawn if stroke_thickness is set
  • stroke_thickness - border thickness, if any, of the highlight slice
  • z - z-depth of the highlight, controlling the order in which highlights are drawn ideogram - toggles the position of the highlight to be within the ideogram extent

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