
改变字形的大小对数据点的密度进行编码。 虽然Circos不会为您计算密度,您可以预处理数据并将密度编码为标签大小。

hs1 3000000 3000000 cancer label_size=1
hs1 6000000 6000000 cancer label_size=2
hs1 1000000 1000000 omim label_size=9
hs1 2000000 2000000 omim label_size=14
hs1 1000000 1000000 other label_size=26
hs1 2000000 2000000 other label_size=10

同样使用rule, 你可以调整原来文件中的大小到更合适:

# linear remap to [6,50]
label_size = eval(remap_int(var(label_size),1,42,6,50))

# ... with shallower increase
label_size = eval(remap_int(sqrt(var(label_size)),1,sqrt(42),6,50))

# ... with steeper increase
label_size = eval(remap_int(var(label_size)**2,1,42**2,6,50))

官网conf [here]

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